November 2023 meeting report

About 20 of us attended the first meeting of the Association since COVID in the early evening of 8th November 2023 at our usual venue, Brian Etherington’s conference centre in Scorrier.

We reviewed how we had interacted before COVID and discussed if, and how, we could take the organisation forward. There was a general consensus to restart our meetings using the format we had adopted before.  The previous committee were voted in to continue their roles, although there was a plea for new members to join.

There were new faces at the meeting and some even admitted they had not met the infamous Andy Goundry in person before! Some of us still find that hard to understand!

Everyone present took part in the discussion on the current Cornish property market which included a review of the “Covid boom” and the effect people working at home had on prices locally during that time.

As always the evening ended with a pasty and tea or coffee. No cake this time though – but the treasurer is campaigning for it to be included next time!

We want to hear from you if you have suggestions for further talks.

Watch out for emails announcing our next meeting!

Alison Morden-Hawke
